Ron Tate of Tate's Home Inspections in Arkansas describes the advantages of using a mobile device over the hand written book reporting system he initially used when he first started his business. He produces a final bound report that real estate agents love!

"Five years ago when I started my home inspection business I started out using the hand written reports. It didn’t take me more than two or three inspections to realize this was not for me. I was having to do each inspection twice. Once on site and once after I got home. The customer would never be able to read the one done on site. I couldn’t put pictures in the hand written reports. Pictures play a big part in the inspections I do today.

I picked up some information about 3D at one of our home inspector training sessions. I downloaded the demo, did a sample report, added some pictures and showed it to my wife. She was so impressed and as for me there was no question this was the program for me. Now I will admit I have looked at some other programs but 3D, to me anyway, is the easiest to use, presents the most information in an easy to understand format, and makes a nice presentation.

I use a PDA now to do my inspections... just about the greatest tool I have. When I was doing the hand written report I was, because of the book format, walking back and forth across the house several times during an inspection. The PDA is so easy to use and navigate that I can start at one side of the house and finish on the opposite side. End of inspection. When I get home... my report is basically complete. I bind the report and present it to the buyer. I’m sure I’m not the only inspector in my area using 3D but I can’t count the number of realtors that have told me they have never seen a report like mine. They love the pictures and the layout.

I’m a Christian and I fully believe the Lord blesses me each day with the inspections I get but I also believe He sends things into our lives to help us along. From the standpoint of being a home inspector I believe 3D inspection software is one of those things He sent to help me in my inspection business.

Your 3D program has made my life so much better and doing home inspections enjoyable. I don’t even want to think what my inspections would be like without 3D inspection software."

Ron Tate
Tate's Home Inspections
Sherwood, Arkansas