Your Job Details tab is handy for collecting other property information while booking your job. Some popular fields are already set up when you initially install the software. What if you don’t use some of those or need others not present? Or want to add selections to your fields.
When entering job information, one may then select a pre-written selection or simply type information that is not found in the selections. It’s handy to add common selections for some fields.
Add selections for Job Details fields using Customize > List Items. Premier editions also allow optionally attaching Invoice items to selections, so an invoice may be initially built based on the job details selections by clicking the “Build Invoice from job” button on the Invoice tab.
Invoice items may also be added directly to the invoice in any edition.
Use Customize > Terms to add selections for this specific field on the Invoice tab.
Use Customize > Subdivisions to add selections for this specific field on the General tab.
If you need additional fields that are not listed, Premier edition users may add to or adjust custom Job Details tab field labels. Need this option to expand your business? Contact sales about upgrading to Premier.
Then in the Office Management area of the software choose Maintain > Office Management Preferences. Select the Custom Fields tab. Adjust any unused or blank labels as needed. Note that changing a label will not move or change any information already stored in that respective field for prior jobs.
Premier editions also allow customizing the labels of contacts attached to jobs. Use the Contacts tab to adjust these items, or searching roles assigned to your various contacts.
Learn more about customizing Job Details fields in our video demonstration.