3D Inspection
Mobile Inspector
Your mobile companion is your best assistant!
3D Mobile Inspector FREE companion app available for US, CAN, AU, and NZ may be installed on multiple compatible devices.
You may demo the app interface without Cloud3D Services, but must activate your personal Cloud3D Services account to transfer real inspections.

3D Mobile Inspector
Lets get started!
Follow these easy and quick steps:
You can have the power of 3D inspection System in the palm of your hand. Here’s a closer look at each step as we guide you.

Step A
Install the mobile app
Search Microsoft Store for “3D Mobile Inspector” in Apps.
Cloud3D Services transfers reports between master desktop program and mobile app. Both may be installed on the same hardware if it meets system requirements.

Step B
Demo the interface
After installing, open a Sample report to play with. All devices insert landscape and portrait photos. Larger tablets can also rotate the main entry screen, whereas phone sized devices use portrait.
The Sample residential report merely demos the interface. 3D Mobile Inspector with your personal Cloud3D account will use your OWN customized forms from your main software.

Feature Highlights:
- Use ANY custom forms from the 3D Inspection System desktop software: residential, commercial, etc.
- Long-press Camera icon to Insert photos using the camera or saved in your gallery.
- Bookmark to jump back to an item in mobile or on your main computer later.
- Long press headings or subheadings to replicate items, rooms, or components while inspecting.
- Before leaving the jobsite, review non-inspected items, or preview report or summary items.

Step C
Cloud3D℠ Services
Activate Cloud3D Services:
1. You or your employer must have a subscription to use Cloud3D Services. If you have not yet purchased the software, contact sales about a limited trial.
2. We’ll email you when your account is enabled, after which you may begin using it.
Login with your User name (Activation ID/Account ID email used during initial activation of your desktop software) and password when sending or retrieving reports, or the subaccount login created for you by your employer if there are multiple inspectors.
MULTIPLE INSPECTORS? Where official additional Branch copies have been obtained by employers, the inspector usually signs up for himself to use his own own independent Cloud3D Services account to directly upload and retrieve inspections. Otherwise employers MUST create subaccount logins for each inspector using the report writer Preferences Cloud3D Services tab in the main software, including for the owner/operator if he or she is also an inspector.
The main office master login should NEVER be used to log in on any mobile device and for security purposes never provided to any other inspector. Instead each inspector should ONLY use the sub-account login assigned to them on their mobile device to avoid accidentally overwriting others’ reports.
Inspector logins may be updated, changed, or managed by the main office at any time. Inspections should always be sent from and returned back to the same main office controlled computer, which generally would use the master login (which may be set “remembered” without revealing it), if inspectors are granted access to use the desktop software there or over a network.

Step D
Use with 3D desktop software
*Cloud3D Services must be enabled (see step C. above)
- Send a report to your device:
1. Add and assign your job in Office Management to the desired inspector. After saving the job, select it and use the right pane activity to “Create and upload mobile inspection”.

2. Select a job name assigned to the inspector and forms for the report, and login. The inspection with its date and time uploads for handy viewing on the mobile device.
- Use a report on your device:
1. In 3D Mobile Inspector, login with the sub-account user and password your office assigned you.
NOTE: When there are multiple inspectors, each inspector (including owner) MUST use their own personal sub account login managed and assigned from the main office desktop program to retrieve and return inspections in the mobile app. To avoid data loss or overwriting, the same mobile login should never be shared or used by another inspector.
2. Tap the desired Pending report(s) and Download.
3. Open and Inspect! See Overview video.
4. When finished with your report, Back out to the inspection listing.
5. Tap the inspection on the device and Upload. “Inspections on the server” shows the current status of your mobile reports.
- Retrieve reports back to master desktop program:
1. Tap “Retrieve Mobile Inspection” in Office Management toolbar.
2. Select desired “Completed” report and OK to convert it into a regular inspection in the desktop program.
3. Finalize report (attach summary, etc.), review, and deliver to your client!

Other tips or notes
- Special Note about limited graphical forms (WDO, Wind Mitigation, HUD, etc.)
3D Mobile Inspector works exceptionally well for narrative style forms used for most inspections. However, special graphical forms that print a special pre-designed hard-coded layout have these restrictions and caveats. Since 3D Mobile Inspector does not know a form is designed to print graphically, do not use the copy heading or subheading option because graphical forms can only print existing fields on the final printout. Only insert photos into any fields specifically previously designated to accept them, as they will not otherwise work.
Only insert a single photo into each such designated photo field. Where a photo section is available in a graphical form, usually there are multiple fields for inserting photos separately. None of these restrictions apply to regular narrative style form groups. (To verify whether a particular form group is graphical or not, switch to the regular Report Writer and click File > New Inspection to view your forms groups. White icons in the listing are narrative; Yellow icons are graphical)
- Notes about Images
Images may be inserted directly from the camera or gallery by long pressing the camera icon. Embedding upwards of 100 photos per report is not recommend to ensure reports don’t become too large to transfer. If extreme numbers of photos are needed, consider utilizing bookmark options for later insertion.
- Notes about added comments
Tap comment field below subheading label to add additional manual comments that print following selected narratives. For a one-time comment simply add as desired. For a comment you wish to add for future inspections use the menu option to save as a new narrative. Note that if you use the menu to Import existing selected narratives to edit them further, any rich text formatting isn’t kept because the mobile device doesn’t support those libraries. However, narratives remaining selected in the app menu will import original master form comment, including rich text formatting (colors, bolding, italics, etc.) into your final report at retrieve time.
Therefore, if it’s important for you to retain specific original formatting and make further edits to a standard comment, you might simply bookmark it, and later flip through bookmarks after retrieval to make any final edits to those comments.
- Note about summary
Forms set to automatically use Ratings to mark items for summary, automatically work in mobile when the rating is tapped. However where forms are not set to use ratings for summary, then you may manually flag a field for summary by tapping to edit comments and then specifying the desired summary area there. Any narratives pre-set for summary in such forms also do so automatically when selected.

Ready to get started?
See for yourself how easy it is to use
Want a personal Demonstration?
See for yourself how easy it is to use 3D Inspection System. Download a free Evaluation copy to try it firsthand. Want a personalized demonstration of the features that particularly interest you?
Contact a sales associates about a guided session or to consult about which edition has just what you need. Don’t pay for more than you need!

Ready to purchase?
Don’t forget software can be tax deductible as a business expense. If funds are tight, ask about our lease to own or payment plans (unlike the other guys, you don’t have to pay a large amount every single year to keep using the software).
Know our products
3D Inspection Software
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.