Correct a name, address, or date for an existing report

Edit the job in Office Management and correct or adjust the information as desired.  Next simply reopen the report from Office Management to pass the updated info to the report for merging into header/footer, index/cover, etc. and it will be corrected in those locations automatically when you preview or print.

However if the information previously merged into the body of the report body, it may still be there as originally merged.  To correct, just adjust that information directly in the report, or remove the information and then simply re-select the narrative menu item to merge fresh.

To correct job information that previously merged into an attached document, such as a summary, contract, or similar document, in the report writer click the lower Attachments pane to access the document you wish to adjust.  Right-click and Edit the document to modify it directly.  Or just right-click and Remove the document to delete it and then attach it fresh again using your Actions to re-merge it with the information in your current Office Management job.


Oops, what if I included the information in my job name

We recommend not including job specifics like client names, addresses, or dates directly in your main Job Name.  If you use a typical arbitrary Job Name or number like 3D automatically assigns, then it will never matter what the Job Name is, as long as it is unique.  After all, one can easily search for any job by its address or client regardless of the job name, and that information can easily be merged into reports and documents automatically anyway.  Re-entering the information only wastes time entering it twice or more and isn’t necessary.  However sometimes inspectors use their own special coding or Job Names for one purpose or another or might find it hard to get away from an older system they used where they included such information.

It’s best to make sure your job name is as desired before using it for reports, and before adding invoice items.  That being said, if you have used some kind of name that needs adjusting later, you may make a copy of the existing report to the new name and then re-link that to an adjusted job in Office Management.

Note that if the job was used to create and upload a mobile  inspection, be sure to Retrieve  that report back BEFORE making any adjustments or corrections.

Then to correct or change an existing job name already attached to a final report:

1. First use the Office Management job to open the original inspection.

2. Once the original report is open, use File > Save as in the report writer to save it to a new name.  Note the exact new name you use for the report.  Then File > Close to exit the report and return to Office Management.

3.  Now locate the original job in the list of inspections, select it and Edit.  Adjust the Job Name to match exactly your adjusted report name.  (Note that if you used an invoice item job name for the report, then you also may need to adjust each invoice item inspection name also to reflect your job name adjustment).  Save when done.

4. Select the job in the list and see if Open Inspection in the right pane launches the correct renamed copy of the inspection you’ve made.  Re-opening the report from here also links it to that job and passes the new information to the new report for later merging.

5. As long as the inspection was opened from the updated job in Office Management, it should merge automatically the updated info into the header, footer, or cover/index at print time if set to merge.

Any merged information previously in the report body would still be there.  If you also need to correct any information that has already previously merged into a report itself, just adjust that information directly in the report as described at the top of this article. Otherwise this may not apply to the scenario of merely correcting or adjusting a Job Name.

Note that after saving a report to a new name, you may wish to open your data folder under My Documents to discard the original report .r3d file to avoid clutter.