Normally selecting the “Invoice is Paid” box automatically creates a “Paid” receipt for the total invoice amount when printed, reflecting a zero amount due and without affecting sales data for later management reports or posted to QuickBooks. But what if the job isn’t completely paid?
Although most inspectors get payments ahead of time, there could be exceptions, and partial payments tend to be even rarer. (Technically a new inspection or service ordered after the initial one as you describe is really a separate job, thus the program allows easy linking the same client to a new job)
Generally speaking, proper recording and tracking payment information, esp. if partial, should really be done using real accounting software like QuickBooks. 3D software was specifically designed to send sales or invoice information to QuickBooks, where in turn one may handle all receivable and accounting properly, and make use of more extensive reporting options. (One may also handle initial and repeat invoicing that way if preferred.).
Although 3D software is not designed for accounting tracking, one may reflect a partial payment printed on a 3D invoice for a client, by just adding an Invoice item for “Payment” with a negative amount to any job. That will automatically adjust the total fee. Note that adjusting the total by including a payment amount there may make included sales reports less accurate, or in need of manual adjustments to compensate, so accounting software like QuickBooks is a more proper way to handle payment information, but that may not matter to you. Or you may wish to eliminate the partial payments and mark the job paid after all payments have actually been made later.
Meantime to simply print an invoice from 3D with partial or special payments, just add the desired “Payment” item directly to an invoice:
1. Edit the desired job in Office Management and switch to the Invoice tab.
2. Click Add items to Invoice
3. If you don’t have a Payment item available to select:
a) Choose Add a new Item, b) For Item name and description type “Payment” item, and click OK. c) The new item is now added to your list of invoice items.
4. Select the Payment item to add it to your invoice. Click OK
5. Double-click the Payment item, or highlight it and choose Modify Item.
6. Add to or adjust the description as desired for this job. For Quantity, enter a minus symbol and amount of payment. Click OK when done.
7. Your payment is now applied to the invoice, with the total reflecting the adjusted balance. You may now choose to print or email the invoice for your client.