Where providing cost estimates is allowed or advisable, you may include them with an inspection in a couple ways.
Summary: Some inspectors simply add estimates to their final summary page, which is printed asĀ part of their actual inspection report. To do so, simply edit the merged summary information further to add desired amounts when it is attached to the report.Ā Double-click a summary previously attached in the lower Attachments pane to edit it further.
Estimates Sheet: Another method is using a separate Estimates Sheet feature to produce a separate Excel spreadsheet of estimated costs.Ā This may be particularly handy for clients to provide to workmen.Ā When turned on, the Estimates feature allows cost estimates to be entered for various inspection fields in the main program Report Writer via the lower pane.Ā Ā A final separate pre-designed Estimate Sheet may be created or exported to an Excel format file using File menu option when Estimates are enabled.
To enable Estimates:
- In report writer, choose Preferences > Preferences, Estimates tab.
- TickĀ “Enable estimates” and set the options as desired.Ā If using a rangeĀ percentage is enabled, estimate numbers are automatically converted into a low-high range on the final printout (e.g. An estimate of $100.00 might print as a range of between “$50.00 – $150.00” ).Ā Optional header and disclaimer text may also be entered to printĀ general statements at the top of the final Estimate sheet, in addition to the Inspection name and your company information that are automatically included.
- Click OK to save your Preferences.Ā WhenĀ enabled, an Estimate field is provided in the Current Line lower pane area in the report writer, entering the actual estimate amount for the current item as appropriate.Ā Ā Estimate options also appear on the Report Writer File menu.
To add Estimates toĀ an inspection:
- While in an open inspection on the desired field, click the Current Line tab in the lower pane.
- Enter the estimate amount in the “Estimate” field displayed at the bottom of that tab. Note: If no estimate field is displayed, make sure you have enabled the estimates feature (see above)
- Repeat for any additional inspection fields as you work.
To produce a final Estimates sheet:
- In the Report Writer, click File > Estimate > Preview/Print Estimate
- Use the available options to print or save the Estimate sheet to a file as desired.
- You may export the estimate to Excel and attach the resulting .xls file to the lower Attachments pane of the report in one step by clicking Report Writer File > Estimate > Attach estimate as a file to the inspection.Ā That way it may be delivered when the report is emailed from theĀ 3DĀ software.