Troubleshooting information for “Error building report: Add element to document: replacing element name: parameter is not valid.” during a print or preview.
There are a few reasons a rare “Error building report: Add element to document: replacing element name: parameter is not valid.” error might occur when attempting to print or preview a report. This could happen if one included an image in a template or matrix template that is not designed to accept images, or if an image inserted into a report field was somehow corrupted or damaged.
To narrow down the issue, you might use Preview Current Form for each report section in the report writer until you find the problem area. See if you spot anything unusual in that area of the report. Maybe check each image included to make sure you are not using invalid image width settings or something like that in the section having the problem. Also make sure you don’t have images inserted into any field that normally prints as a matrix column or uses special formatting. You also might look for any “inspected” field that has no info, as could mean that item had an image that it cannot load. Or for an area where you know there was an image, but don’t see one. If no thumbnail is displayed because windows can’t read in the image, there could still be an image reference and corrupted image there in the report causing the error when it tries to format the section.
In the case of an area not designed to accommodate an image (such as in a matrix field), remove any such offending image and put it in a more appropriate location instead. If an image has an invalid or excessive width setting that would go off the page, simply adjust its size as needed. If you locate a field where there should be an image, but it appears missing, right-click in your field there and choose Insert Image from the right-click menu. When Select Picture to Import appears, choose any random image you have available and click Save and Close. When done, click the Thumbnail in the report and choose Remove Image from the Inspection to remove the image just added. That clears the reference to the image from that field area, which in turn may eliminate the error. Now if one image is corrupted, it’s always possible another one is also, depending on what issue on the hard drive or in windows led to the problem.
This error was also once noted where a company logo image had been scanned and not cropped and had lots of white space all around the image making the image far larger than it should have been. Cropping the image properly and reselecting it as the logo resolved the issue.