The Report Writer’s unique scrolling interface wields the power of a detailed narrative report with the ease of a check sheet. Quickly scroll through your entire inspection to see all form items, and whether inspected or not.  Inspect, tap, and deliver!  Easily access Actions to attach report summaries, contracts, and more without leaving your inspection. Skipped items automatically omit from printout.  With 3D Inspection System software, you are empowered as never before to produce professional inspection reports electronically. Eliminate handwritten reports and client confusion. Report Writer highlights include…

  • Scrolling interface for efficient report navigation and completion
  • Insert and annotate digital photos right in the report; easily include multiple images for any item!
  • Include Diagrams or Schematics in narrative reports for clarity
  • Further edit or enhance report comments right after selection, or modify them for future use
  • Powerful Action shortcuts simplify common tasks, attachments, or shortcuts to favorite programs or websites
  • Automatic timed-save for inspection reports to protect data!
  • Spell Checker (options for American English, British English, Spanish, Dutch, French)
  • Merge Office Management job data into reports and documents automatically
  • Custom Summary documents easily merged with report specifics
  • Report appearance options automate report formatting
  • Quickly preview finished forms, or the entire report and attached documents
  • PDF driver included for easy delivery, uploading, emailing
  • Include third-party handouts, attachments, videos, extras with your delivered report
  • Works seamlessly with included mobile apps for compatible devices and phones
  • Bookmark incomplete findings for review before leaving site
  • Expand with third-party forms and content, or your own