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Old versions may need to be upgraded to use certain features or receive support.
3D Inspection software
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Delve into more features and topics for each area
- Add merge fields to master standard document attachments
- Add New Job in Office Management
- Change or Disable Invoice Numbers for Job Names!
- Changing your company contact information for reports or adding inspectors
- Company Logo feature
- Create and merge multiple reports from the same job
- Customize my Job Detail fields
- Date and Time format codes
- Email Setup in 3D
- How to export contacts
- Import Office Management details into inspections
- Import USA or CAN Postal Codes
- Importing contacts into Office Management
- Locate an existing job in Office Management
- Locate an existing job in Office Management
- Office Management Jobs Included and Custom Views
- Print or export a list of jobs
- Safeguarding your Important 3D Inspection System Data
- Setup or Update Company Logo and Company Information
- SQL Database Reports using Microsoft Report Builder
- Start and Pre-Merge Mobile Reports
- Start or Open Inspection Reports
- Visual calendar schedule
The Report Writer’s unique scrolling interface wields the power of a detailed narrative report with the ease of a check sheet. Quickly scroll through your entire inspection to see all form items, and whether inspected or not. Inspect, tap, and deliver! Easily access Actions to attach report summaries, contracts, and more without leaving your inspection. Skipped items automatically omit from printout. With 3D Inspection System software, you are empowered as never before to produce professional inspection reports electronically. Eliminate handwritten reports and client confusion. Report Writer highlights include…
- Scrolling interface for efficient report navigation and completion
- Insert and annotate digital photos right in the report; easily include multiple images for any item!
- Include Diagrams or Schematics in narrative reports for clarity
- Further edit or enhance report comments right after selection, or modify them for future use
- Powerful Action shortcuts simplify common tasks, attachments, or shortcuts to favorite programs or websites
- Automatic timed-save for inspection reports to protect data!
- Spell Checker (options for American English, British English, Spanish, Dutch, French)
- Merge Office Management job data into reports and documents automatically
- Custom Summary documents easily merged with report specifics
- Report appearance options automate report formatting
- Quickly preview finished forms, or the entire report and attached documents
- PDF driver included for easy delivery, uploading, emailing
- Include third-party handouts, attachments, videos, extras with your delivered report
- Works seamlessly with included mobile apps for compatible devices and phones
- Bookmark incomplete findings for review before leaving site
- Expand with third-party forms and content, or your own
The Custom Form Studio utility in every edition lets you design report forms of your choice. Create and produce new forms to expand your business, or modify included forms for the Report Writer and mobile apps. Bonus pre-designed forms are also available in User Community for instant use, while others are available from third-parties. Highlights include:
- Add custom narrative comments for each inspected component or item
- Format narratives to stand out with color, bold, italics and underline
- Automatically include fields to merge job information from Office Management
- Spell Check to get it right the first time
- Rename, move, or create form headings, subheadings, and narratives
- Move or replicate form sections from one area to another
- Add or edit automatic disclaimer text
- Handy subforms can repeat or share areas or equipment like bathrooms, water heaters, and more
- Distribute, trade, or sell original form creations to other 3D software users royalty-free
- Comments may be preset to automatically flag the item for summary when selected.
- Set common answers as defaults that are pre-selected in new inspections
For tablets and phones
Getting started with 3D Mobile Inspector
Set up your companion mobile apps following these general steps

Get mobile app from your device store.

Sign up for Cloud3D Services (free to subscribers).
Using a trial? Demo the sample, or contact sales about a limited trial of mobile or monthly lease.

Wait for confirmation email that Cloud3D Services is activated and use Office Management to upload and retrieve jobs.
Read more topics online
- Cloud3D Services
- Companion mobile apps for tablets and phones
- How to Upload inspection for mobile inspector
- Include annotated images or signatures in 3D Mobile Inspector
- Managing multiple inspectors with 3D Mobile Inspector
- Mobile app Video
- Mobile apps Feedback
- Mobile Solutions
- Navigation With Bookmarks
- Placeholder issue with 3D Cloud
- Start and Pre-Merge Mobile Reports
- Team inspectors using the mobile app to collect findings
- Using camera options with 3D Mobile Inspector
- Validate failed or other login issues
Know our products
3D Inspection Software
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.
Impress clients and generate referrals, while saving time collecting inspection findings. An efficient solution can produce professional inspection reports and give you back your free time! AND MONEY!
The other guys make you purchase the same program over and over, year after year.