When you initially launched your 3D Inspection System software, a wizard helped you set up your Company Information such as its name, address, phone and online contact information for automatic merging into your reports and documents. Should you relocate or change any of this information later, it’s easy to update.
Company Information: Just use Maintain > Office Management Preferences in Office Management to access this standard information about your company. Use the Company and Logo tabs to adjust or update your basic company information. Learn more about how the Logo field merges your logo into items.
Inspectors: Have inspectors changed or need to be added? Use Maintain > Inspectors in Office Management to update, adjust, or add inspectors. Any time more than one inspector is working for you, be sure to also set up appropriate sub-accounts for them to access their reports via the free mobile apps. You may also use a sub account for your mobile app when you are the only inspector.
As you work with other features, you may also want to set up or customize other items automatically used by the program:
Inspection Fees: Use Customize > Invoice Items to set up standard services and fees for your business. New Invoice items may also be added on-the-fly while entering a job. And preset and imported inspection fees may be edited for any job.
Postal Codes: US and CAN users may wish to use the optional Maintain > Import zip codes for a state option to import postal codes for their state or province. Other countries may wish to use Maintain > Postal codes to set up appropriate postal codes and related city and state information. When a postal code is entered first for new jobs or contacts, related city and state information entered here imports automatically. If postal codes have already been imported for a particular state, we do not recommend importing them again, so as to avoid unwanted duplicates.
Emailing: You may wish to use Maintain > Office Management Preferences, Emailing tab to enter your own email SMTP settings. See help topic details and also our article about Email Setup. Emailing may be used with some of the report Delivery Options.