Clean up Duplicate Contacts

Duplicate contacts may be rare, since one may locate and attach a previously used contact whenever adding contacts to new jobs, for instance an agent whom you’ve worked with before.  Also one might deliberately need to create a separate contact for someone who shares the same name, but is a different person or contact.

However if contacts were imported from another source, came from a previously converted database, or somehow were added again accidentally, you may manage your contacts to combine any duplicates you notice of the same individual.  The combined contact will remain attached to the prior jobs.

To do so, use the opening Office Management screen Views area to display Contacts and locate or search for the desired records.

Decide which one will be the master contact to keep, and verify it is up to date with all desired details.

Next on the contact listing, select the master contact containing the most recent and correct information first, followed by other duplicates for that contact while holding CTRL.

A Merge Contacts button will appear below.  If selected, then information in the master contact (first one you selected) will then be attached to all jobs where all the selected contacts were used, and the other unwanted duplicates will be permanently deleted.


Similarly Companies associated with various contacts may be merged together in like manner to eliminate duplicates from the Maintain > Companies area, such as if two companies merge or there are accidental duplicates of the same office.

Normally the Companies feature is a great way to manage contacts associated with a particular office, such as real estate agents, brokers, or others.  If a company is specified for a contact or inspector, address information comes from the company in common. This makes it easy to enter company information once and attach it to multiple contacts.  Changes later made to a company address then automatically changes it for all contacts associated with that company.  An agent moving to a different company may also be easily reassigned.  If no company is selected or entered for a particular contact, the address entered is stored with the specific contact only.