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Date and Time Format Codes

Codes used in Office Management fields for merging date-time type information may be adjusted to change the format for the date and/or time information.

Use the Insert menu options to insert various date item merge fields into documents or reports.

When the document is merged at either creation time or print time, normally your Regional settings in Windows automatically import the short date and time depending on the specifier included in the code after the comma, and automatically format it for your country style.

For example, default Office Management field for merging the inspection date is generally inserted as [DB:Job.InspectionDate, d], which prints the short date format as you have it set up in Windows.

However the letter after the comma in the code itself may be adjusted to these formats:

d = short date

D = long date

t = short time

f = full date and short time

g = short date and short time

The format of the short or long date and short time is determined by your regional settings in Windows, which you may adjust further using Windows control panel options.  See below.

Note: If inserting the general current date to merge at print time (Insert > Short Date or Insert > Long Date) if you only want the year to merge, such as after a copyright notice, you may modify the code to [DATE yyyy] to print only the current year.

Your Windows Regional and other date and time settings also determine how some date and time selection fields appear when adding or editing job information in Office Management. For example, the inspection time field will convert into 24-hr time when displaying the entered time if you set your windows regional settings that way. e.g. search for regional settings in Windows. Under Regional Data format choose Change data formats. Select 24-hour time from the menu for Short Time. Save and exit settings.