Protect Proprietary Inspection Forms

Often a main office has developed custom inspection forms over time and don’t want their data easily purloined by an inspector who may or may not decide to leave later.

Use Mobile

The easiest way to protect your content would be to just use 3D Mobile Inspector apps to collect and return the inspection data to the main office computer. The mobile apps and Cloud3D Services are free for subscribers to use. When any new narratives are added on the fly to the forms in the mobile app, upon retrieval and conversion back to the desktop program it automatically prompts whether to add those to the master forms used by everyone. After such changes are compiled, new mobile reports automatically use the collective improvements. Nice and neat! The mobile apps can run on Android, iOS, or Windows, allowing the end inspector to use his own device of his choice.  The inspector  may simply use the mobile apps alone to return inspection data they have collected.  There is no way for them to transfer the report directly from mobile to their own computer to purloin your inspection forms when used this way.

Network Desktop with optional Remote access

Unless one has obtained separate Branch licensing for trusted inspectors working from another location to independently use the 3D software, there shouldn’t be any need for inspectors to run separate sets of data in the regular desktop program on separate computers, as that’s only going to fragment information and get messy. But if someone really must transfer a report from the master computer to another machine for some reason to continue working in a separate program there, perhaps to finalize an inspection report, one only needs to transfer the .r3d report file, which has its job information embedded for merging attachments with job and client information. One would want to remember to transfer the finished report back to the master machine later for safekeeping with the rest of the master data. Either way one master machine should always be used to enter entering all initial job data, maintain the master forms and start reports, whether regular or mobile. Mobile of course is optional, but does make it easier.

To simply work on and complete final inspections, but not deliver them, an inspector or report proofreader could even use a trial copy of the 3D software on their own computer.  Contact tech support about your scenario for steps.

Now where a main office wants trusted inspectors to use to use the main desktop program to book jobs and/or create and complete reports, ideally have your local IT network several workstations together at the main office, each workstation running one of the licenses right at the main office, all sharing the exact same data folders and database. Then inspectors may then easily use either option. They may even book or correct jobs and upload those to use mobile on their own devices to complete and return reports.  They could even be allowed to simply remote into their workstations from their own laptops or mobile devices as desired (Remote Desktop options are available these days for every platform) to do any work that might be needed in the desktop program without even coming into the office.  Whether at the office or remoting in to their workstation from their own computer at home, they may then finalize inspections and deliver them. Everything is then neatly organized and shared, all master information stays together at all times, and so forth.  Your IT can set remote connection restrictions to prevent an inspector from directly copying any files to their personal machine.

Those are two better ways to handle a setup where you would like inspectors to work on and complete reports, but without exposing your data in a cavalier manner, and not having to worry about anyone’s data being different or ever getting out of sync. Tech support can of course offer  additional pointers for such setups as well.