Signatures in special Graphical-Style Forms

Most inspections use narrative forms that dynamically can adjust to accommodate additional items, attachments, or have signature graphics easily inserted.  However graphical style forms that always print a set way are more restricted and may have a dedicated field for including your signature.  How do you set up a signature graphic for insertion or selection into this type of report?

Where official graphical type forms include a location for an inspector signature, most forms have been set up with a signature field where an image can be inserted. This means you can scan in your inspectors signature for importing into reports there as needed on any such field where an image or graphic may be included. The graphic inserted will automatically format to the space set up in the forms. The width and height automatically maintain correct aspect ratio. Thus, for best results, scanned signature graphics should be cropped closely, with as little white space around the edge of the actual signature as possible. That way the signature can expand as large as possible in the space provided on the final report.

For convenience, you may also want to set up your various inspector signature graphics as “Actions” in the software. This would allow you to just click the desired one to include it on the signature line of the report. More information about using and setting up Actions is found in the Report Writer Getting Started Guide and Help screens.

Or you could set up the signature as a defaulted narrative if you are the only inspector: Edit the form containing the signature field in Custom Form Studio.  Highlight the form item below the signature subheading and Insert > Narrative level 1. For the Narrative: Add an abbreviation “signature”; Use the Insert Image icon to select your signature; Set item as a “Default”. Save and Exit the form.

Recompile your form group so the change affects new inspections.  For any previously existing inspection simply insert your signature graphic into that field.