3D Inspection System allow a main office to assign inspections to various inspectors or subcontractors to complete and return. When inspectors are only using the mobile app on their phone or tablet, no additional licensing is needed. However you must create a separate login for each inspector to use in their mobile app to avoid issues (besides sharing your master login would be a security breach).
1) First, using the master computer, set up separate sub account logins for ALL inspectors, including yourself if you also perform inspections. See Managing Multiple Inspectors.
Provide each inspector with his custom login to use in the mobile app.
On the master computer only, you may find it convenient to use your master login for uploading and retrieving for each inspector. If other employees will use the master computer or networked workstations, you may choose to have the program “remember” the password entered so as not to compromise security but allow them to upload and retrieve inspections. An inspector coming into the office or remoting into a workstation may also use his own login to upload and retrieve his own assigned inspections.
2) Next be sure to add all jobs to the master computer only (or connected networked workstation if using multiple licenses networked together) and be sure to ASSIGN each job to the desired inspector, along with the inspection date and time, since that information is uploaded to the cloud listing. NOTE: See special information for Team Inspectors.
3) Create and upload the assigned inspection. See https://3dinspection.com/tipsandtrick/start-or-open-inspection-reports/ NOTE: When using mobile do not “Start a new inspection” as that would be for desktop only. Instead “Create and upload mobile inspection”, choosing the assigned job name and forms appropriate to the inspection when prompted.
When your inspector logs into the mobile app on his device using his email login and password you assigned, he will see the assigned inspections to download, complete, and return when finished.
A main office may use the Retrieve button in Office Management to see the status of an inspection report at any given time. Pending means the inspector has not yet downloaded the inspection to his device. Working means the report is currently on a device. Complete means the inspector has returned the inspection from his device back to the cloud server with the data collected. When Complete generally the inspection would be retrieved back, and any final touches such as attaching a standard summary document to merge his summary findings and delivering the report to your client would usually be done to complete the job.
Note that as long as a report remains Pending and had not been retrieved into a device, you may reassign the job to a different inspector or using different forms and upload again to update the listing with a new inspector assignment or forms.
– If you have created a sub account for another inspector, and successfully uploaded an inspection to the server, but the inspector does not see the assigned report when he goes to download it onto his phone or tablet, check:
Did you make sure you assigned the inspection to that inspector in Office Management? The sub account login would be linked to that inspector internally, which is how it knows to match up the jobs to the inspector. Thus when they log in, they should see the inspections assigned to that inspector from the database available to download. Use Retrieve to verify the inspector name is listed next to the job as his assignment. If not, edit the job, assign it to the inspector, and upload again if the report is still Pending.
If the report is showing assigned to the inspector and the inspector is not seeing it, he may need to drag down on his list of inspections in the mobile app to refresh the listing, or could instead back out of the app and login fresh to refresh the listing.
– If you are attempting to upload a new mobile inspection, but no inspections are listed, only forms:
You may have accidentally created a regular desktop inspection report file for that job name. When you choose the job in Office Management, see if Open an existing inspection is available as one of the activities in the side pane for that job. If so, open the inspection to make sure it doesn’t contain any actual inspection information you need.
If you find it is empty and was created by mistake, you could close the report and use Windows to delete that report .r3d file from your data folder to remove it. See https://3dinspection.com/how-can-i-archive-and-remove-old-reports-from-my-hard-drive/
Afterwards, select the job fresh to refresh it, and the option to create either a new mobile or regular inspection for that report name should become available again when it no longer detects any matching existing regular report.
– When trying to import completed inspections, one gets the message “The job specified in the inspection could not be located”:
Make sure you are using the original master computer or networked workstation to retrieve the mobile inspection. If you or another inspector subsequently needs to work on the inspection on another computer afterward, you may copy the retrieved .r3d report file from the data folder on the first computer to the other one and then open it from the report writer file menu there to continue working. Contact tech support for your scenario for further details.
Otherwise if it is the same computer that originally uploaded the job, could someone in the office have deleted the original job from Office Management or changed the Job Name? If the job name was merely changed, then changing it back to exactly match the report name again and resaving the job may resolve the problem, after which you may try retrieving again. But if the original job had been deleted and therefore now “could not be located”, you’ll want to send a ticket to tech support with the details about what happened so they can assist further since adding the job again will not by itself resolve the issue.
– Inspector uploaded the inspection back, but it still shows “Working” on the server instead of “Complete”.
Although rare, it is possible for a communication timing glitch to occur coincidentally at the precise moment after the report was completely successfully transferred but just before it updated the status. In this scenario, it’s perfectly fine to go ahead and retrieve the report. As long as the report is no longer on any mobile device, and only listed in the cloud server listing, then all inspection data should be present in the report.
Built in protections ensure a report never is removed from a device until it has completely transferred. Even if a communication glitch were to occur (flaky internet or connection drops), as long as it is able to, the mobile app will continue to try uploading a report until it succeeds and the report never is removed from the mobile device until AFTER it actually verifies a checksum to make sure the complete report has been transferred. Only THEN will it actually remove the report from the android device. So as long as the report has actually removed from the inspections listed on the device, then you know the report has completely transferred back.
The final step after the report is subsequently removed is updating the server status to Complete. But should an internet connectivity issue occur coincidentally between the point where the report was removed from mobile (after verifying the checksum on the server) but before it updated the server status, the report could still be listed as “working”. As long as it isn’t on any device, then it’s safe to either pull back into a device or retrieve into mobile.
Note that a report might correctly show Working status if after uploaded from one device it were pulled into another device, in which case the status would be accurate and one would not want to retrieve it yet. For instance an inspector might decide to switch devices mid-inspection, and as long as the report is uploaded back to the server and removed from the first device, it may be safely retrieved into another to continue working in mobile.
But essentially as long as any devices that had the report on it no longer show it listed on the device, you may retrieve a report still indicating “Working” status. In that case, your desktop program will likely warn “The inspection you have selected to import has not been completed yet. Are you sure you wish to import it?” and as long as you double-check that it really isn’t on any device, you may OK to continue to retrieve it normally.
NOTE: When there are multiple inspectors, whether working as teams or not, sub accounts must ALWAYS be used so that each inspector has a separate login and only sees the unique reports assigned to him (teams would merge the separate reports later) If sub accounts are not properly used with multiple inspectors, then reports indeed could get lost or be overwritten with empty data accidentally. See Teams link information above.
– Upload button is grayed out in mobile device when I select an inspection to send back
Try backing out of the app and logging in fresh. Or power off and back on your device so it logs in an connects fresh.