Visual Calendar Schedule

Office personelle may find it convenient to easily see inspector assignments or reschedule jobs to assign them to different dates or inspectors while viewing booked jobs on a graphical-style calendar.  This option is included in Premier editions of the software.

While in Office Management, tap the Schedule toolbar button to access.

Jobs will display on the Schedule when they contain an Inspector, Inspection date, time, and estimated completion hours.  To display a new job on the schedule, use Add New in the main Office Management and make sure these items are entered so it knows where to display it.

Use calendar tools to display dates and adjust your view. You may click and drag multiple calendar days, or press CTRL to select specific days. Pane sizes adjust by dragging.

Select and hover over scheduled items for details. Scroll for off-screen items. Reschedule jobs by dragging them to a new date, timeframe, or inspector.

Double-tap a job to launch it for further editing in Office Management.

Bonus options allow one to Block Off other time (personal appointments, vacation) by clicking and dragging the desired time slots on the scheduler and choosing “Block Off selected range”.

If you’re not using a Premier Edition, but would like to add these Scheduler view features to your edition, along with other Premier enhancements, upgrades are available.  We recommend Premier editions for any company managing multiple inspectors.