If you use our software, and would like to let your clients and agents know that you use the top inspection software, or to recommend 3D Inspection Systems software to other inspectors, please copy the code below and paste it into your web site using your favorite web site editor:

<a href=”http://www.3dinspection.com” target=”http://www.3dinspection.com”><img src=http://www.3dinspection.com/images/we_use_3d.png width=”160″ height=”156″ border=”0″></a>

If you use the code above, then the following graphic should appear on your site.

When a visitor clicks the link, it will direct them to our web site for further information on our products, and let them know you chose the best software tool for your inspection reporting. Thank you for participating in the “Proud to Use 3D” logo campaign.

You may also want to include a sample PDF report on your website to represent your offerings and further distinguish yourself to potential clients and agents.  You can easily create a PDF report from 3D by printing to “PDF Document” or previewing and using Save > PDF.  If you wish to create a sample from a particular inspection report you produced, you may wish to use File > Save As in the report writer to save your inspection to a new filename where you may then remove or change personal or identifying report information to something generic. See How to create a sample report

 Approved vendors, resellers, or affiliates may also use a specially designed “Connected”, “Alliance Partner” or “Powered by” 3D logo.

“Alliance partner” logo is generally designed for use by 3D product resellers, focus developers, and other similar authorized affiliates for general use

“Connected” logo is generally designed for vendors who have products that interface with 3D software, such as online schedulers or similar products that import or export data.

“Powered by” logo may be used to designate focused content that works along with the 3D software engine.

Please contact 3D Inspection Systems to obtain appropriate artwork or files.  See also our Logo Usage Policy.