While doing an inspection on my Android tablet I will enter info to a line with a placeholder. It then appears properly in the placeholder on my tablet. When I download the report back at the office the info is no longer in the placeholder but is instead at the end of the line. I only have this problem when using my mobile app. I am using version 12.2.5 Premier along with "New Age Marine Survey" add on software

  • Re: Placeholder issue with 3D Cloud

    by » 8 years ago

    Does the item maybe have multiple placeholders, or use grouping items, defaults, or images?  If so, then those items could cause different behavior, esp. along with mobile.  The report writer Help topic about placeholder has a lot more detail, including this snippet:

    "... the automatic highlighting of additional placeholders does not occur after text is manually typed to fill a placeholder. Therefore, it is recommended that any narratives that require manual entry of text in placeholder locations only include a single placeholder, or that only the final placeholder included in the comment is designed for use with manual entry of information. Of course, one may simply double-click a subsequent placeholder code if needed to highlight it for filling its information.

    This feature is primarily designed to work with items selected in a linear fashion. Thus it is not designed to be used along with the "default" setting that automatically selects comments when a report is initially created. It also is not designed to work in conjunction with narratives containing images, as that resets the cursor position.

    Selected narratives containing "placeholders" selected in mobile apps are formatted and filled out by the regular program at conversion time. Thus items that remain checked in mobile apps can work properly provided they fall in the proper linear order in the forms. Alternatively, selected narratives may be "imported" to the mobile app field for direct editing, but setting up narratives to fill placeholders in a linear manner results in smoother operation. "

    So if you have multiple placeholders, that could affect it's operation, but you may choose to import and fill and edit them directly on mobile ahead of time instead of at later conversion.  If you need further help, I'd recommend sending a web ticket to support using the Contact link along with a 3DF backup of the form group and specifics about the particular area and what is selected and/or entered, so they can troubleshoot exactly why it behaves as it does and any adjustments that could help it work as you prefer.

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