Looking for some advice...I am looking to see how may people integrate 3D software to Quickbooks? I would like to limit my time when billing and setting up inspections and accepting payments. I currently set up an inspection and put all the information into 3D then send a Docusign for the client to accept before I start the inspection and usually just have them pay at the inspection by check or credit card. Its just too many steps and I think I can eliminate some with some help.  I really want to integrate all this into one. Docusing allows me to accept payments via ACH or credit card and I am just starting to use this. I know Quickbooks can do this too. So how many people actually have 3D and Quickbooks integrated and how well does it work? I have to have my clients sign before (insurance requires it) so I really cannot get rid of Docusign. It would be nice if 3D inspections could be linked with Docusign or another program like that where we could generate an inspection agreement and send it electronically and have them pay.  Also, the cost of doing business it really getting up so I would like to add a surcharge to my credit card payments. Has anyone done this? Is it possible to add this in Quickbooks if they pay by credit card?
  • Re: Importing to Quickbooks and accepting online payments

    by » one year ago

    Although 3D Inspection Software can book jobs and collect initial sales data, it isn't a full fledged accounting system designed to actually process and then record final payment information for accounting purposes- thus regular accounting software is best for that. Office Management can export job and sales information out to Quickbooks Pro desktop directly when installed on the same computer, after which payments can be recorded and properly tracked there. So although using QB is an option, however to handle all the other items you mention more automatically you might want to consider just using an online service like ISN for clients to book jobs initially and pay for them, and then import your jobs from ISN into 3D for easy report creation from there.  But that would also allow you to use additional online ISN features and tie-ins and services they also link to for collecting and processing payments and/or possibly send out pre-agreements automatically from there first if you prefer.  Afterward, for information about importing ISN booked jobs into 3D for creating your actual inspection reports, see https://3dinspection.com/en/tips-and-tricks/isn-inspection-support-network-online-scheduler-import.html
    Just a thought.

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