3D Case Studies

Jeff Herboldshimer desperately needed to regain time for his personal life and his search for the solution ultimately impacted his entire career. He describes how he now collects data and takes photos with his PDA so he can complete inspection reports on site. Jeff also enjoys offering personalized software training to new users/inspectors, and tells he how he was the only one to finish a report demonstration at a recent chapter meeting- and in half the time allotted!

Donald Johnston was disappointed with the confusing and look-alike report styles most inspectors were providing and wanted to stand out from the competition. He used his report to market himself to the local real estate offices and performs quite a few inspections for sellers, as well as for buyers- and tracks closing rates for both. Now that other inspectors are following his lead, he keeps raising the bar to stay ahead and has also diversified into other kinds of inspections.

Keith Standera had over 20 years experience in the home construction industry as a Master Electrician and carpenter in Western New York. He enjoys using a mobile device to inspect rather than using paper style reports as he used to. Keith gets numerous compliments from clients and agents about his professional narrative-style inspection reports.

Curtis H. Adams started his home inspection business in Lexington, KY and tells how the 3D software gave him confidence while inspecting. He shares a couple typical testimonials from his clients. UPDATE: Curtis has retired from the home inspection business.  Best wishes to you Curtis!

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How has COVID affected your inspection or marine survey business?

1259153774 [{"id":"25","title":"Has remained slow the entire time","votes":"87","type":"x","order":"1","pct":14.24,"resources":[]},{"id":"26","title":"Started slow, but ramping up now","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"2","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"27","title":"Business remained steady","votes":"82","type":"x","order":"3","pct":13.42,"resources":[]},{"id":"28","title":"Busier than ever","votes":"162","type":"x","order":"4","pct":26.51,"resources":[]},{"id":"29","title":"Expanded or planning to expand my business\/inspectors","votes":"40","type":"x","order":"5","pct":6.55,"resources":[]},{"id":"30","title":"Reduced or planning to reduce my business\/inspectors","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"6","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"31","title":"I'm thinking about retiring","votes":"67","type":"x","order":"7","pct":10.97,"resources":[]},{"id":"32","title":"I've decided to become a new inspector or marine surveyor.","votes":"63","type":"x","order":"8","pct":10.31,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] sbar 200 200 /en/polls.html?id=7&task=poll.vote MSG_ERROR_NO_SELECTION Please select either existing option or enter your own, however not both. MSG_THANK_YOU_NO_RESULTS COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_LABEL_ANSWERS Votes ...