Mold Inspection Reporter
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Mold Inspection Reporter

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Tailored towards novice and experienced mold inspectors alike. Includes aid in lab report interpretation and hundreds of drop down sentences and paragraphs to choose from based on reputable resources such as AIHA, ACGIH, IAQA, AmIAQC, IICRC, and IESO.
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This Focus edition is tailored towards novice, and experienced mold inspectors alike. The computerized report, and attached documents including pre-inspection agreement, detailed remediation protocol template, and more have already been added, customized, improved, and time tested as is customary with focus products. This Focus product has in fact been improved and tested for several years. Features include aid in lab report interpretation and hundreds of drop down sentences and paragraphs to choose from based on reputable resources such as AIHA, ACGIH, IAQA, AmIAQC, IICRC, and IESO. Also includes powerful software features you have come to expect from 3D products.


  • Report Writer
  • Basic Office Management
  • Custom Form Studio
  • Phone3D app available for mobile devices
  • Specialty Focused mold forms and documents
  • Free on-line report delivery (SMTP emailing capability required)
  • Subscription Plan (1 year of updates on all the included software)

Our sincere belief is that The Mold Inspection Reporter (MIR) soft ware system will enable you to provide the most comprehensive and impressive mold inspection report available. Prove it to yourself, and request a presales trial of the software using the Try Now option on 3D's website and choose Mold as your area of interest to generate test copies of the mold inspection reports.

Of course, MIR mold inspection reporter software is extremely easy to use as it will allow you to input information directly into the report on site with the aid of a mobile device or regular PC while walking you through many steps of the inspection process.

Our system enables you to easily document interior and exterior visual findings, environmental instrumentation readings, air conditioning system inspection information, lab results and lab result interpretations. Also included is general information on mold and mold spore levels with references to some reliable scientific studies.

Visual findings, interpretation of lab results, inspector's final conclusions, remediation recommendations and more can be added to your reports quickly and easily, in fact much of the data input is automated, with hundreds of on-screen, drop-down menu items to choose from. Just click on an appropriate sentence or paragraph already stored in the report and it is added to the report. New drop down menu items can be added and existing ones can be edited by you easily.

The exterior section, interior section and air conditioner evaluations sections of the report include information that will enable you to follow many IESO (Indoor Environmental Standards Organizations) standards as well as many New York City DOH, and American Conference of Industrial Hygienist guidelines and recommendations during your inspections. All this is programmed into the report.

The report software includes many disclaimers that are sure to explain your limitations to clients, and greatly limit your liability.

Bonus EM Labs chain of custody forms are also included for optional use.

Last but not least we have included a very helpful robust remediation protocol writing section to the report that will make remediation protocol preparation easier than ever.

Also included:fax cover sheet, billing invoice, receipt, summary of final conclusions, AC remediation protocol pages, general remediation protocol pages, information on mold spore level studies from around the world, general information on mold, Four-page comprehensive pre-inspection agreement form designed to help keep you from legal problems by disclosing to your client the limitations of a mold inspection. Software features include the ability to include schematics in reports to help eliminate callbacks, spell checker, text formatting options, automatic timed save of reports, merge job data into documents automatically, affordable technical support, PDF Writer included for email delivery to clients.

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