How to Network

See: Note: If a workstation is already connecting to the database running locally on the workstation rather than the database located on your server, you or your network administrator will need to use report writer Preferences > Preferences, File Locations folder to Open the user and temporary files folder. Cancel out of preferences and […]

Work Flow C: “Extra or Backup Computer”

An additional license may be obtained for another computer you own or use that you may wish to occasionally use to complete inspections or to maintain a backup “clone” in case of hardware failure. Note that in the event of hardware failure however, emergency replacement can easily be done at that time without maintaining a […]

Work Flow B: “Branch License” or “Subsidiary License”

Perfect for branch offices, independently working inspectors, or franchise setups, this type of license is essentially another separate copy of the software that has its own account and database, separate independent activation and Cloud3D Services, but which license remains within your ultimate control or oversight. A Branch license initially allows installation on one or two […]

Work Flow A: “Networking, with optional remote work”

The ideal way to use multiple licenses with your master set of data is to network all the licensed computers running the 3D software together in the main office. These may in turn be accessed directly or remotely by multiple users or inspectors. All data remains intact in your office, with no need to transfer […]