Work Flow A: “Networking, with optional remote work”

Work Flow A: “Networking, with optional remote work”

The ideal way to use multiple licenses with your master set of data is to network all the licensed computers running the 3D software together in the main office. These may in turn be accessed directly or remotely by multiple users or inspectors. All data remains intact in your office, with no need to transfer files between computers, and your trusted inspectors or other users have full use of the 3D Inspection System software to book or schedule jobs, upload and create mobile or regular inspections, finalize and deliver inspection reports or surveys, or do anything else needed.

How does it work?
Your qualified local IT networking expert can link several workstations together at your main office, each running one license of the 3D Inspection System software, but sharing a common database and data folder stored on whichever computer is assigned to act as the server. Users may use the workstations directly in the office, or some or more workstations may be set up for inspectors or other users to use remotely from their own laptops or mobile devices as desired (Remote Desktop options are available these days for every platform). Remotely working users do not need and should not have the 3D desktop software installed directly on their own computers.


  • All users have full access to all program functions
  • All data is centrally stored, preventing fragmentation of data, jobs, or forms.
  • New narratives added to mobile can automatically be added to master forms used by all.
  • Users may use workstations directly, or remote into them from their own devices, without the data leaving your office, and without 3D desktop installed on their personal devices.

With a proper network setup, the 3D software doesn’t need to be installed on any remote workers computers directly, and there is no need to transfer any files around between regular computers. Everything is then neatly organized and shared, all master information stays and updates together at all times without getting out of sync.

You may choose to network the two included licenses that come with our Premier, Standard, and Focus edition products. If additional computers or workstations are desired for concurrent use, you may purchase additional license seats. Several users may even share a workstation provided each uses it at a different time and not concurrently.

Be sure to also provide your list of authorized user names to 3D Inspection Systems, so any of them may obtain support directly from 3D whenever needed. Should someone leave your employ or should your authorized users change, simply alert 3D Inspection Systems so they may update your authorized list.

Setup and Use:
We’re happy to provide information for to you supply your networking IT to use to network your existing licenses together in this manner, or your IT is welcome to contact us directly. No change in licensing is needed for this type of setup, but it allows all computers then to send and retrieve cloud mobile inspections. Your local IT may set up remote desktop access for any users working remotely from another location. Consult with your local IT regarding various options and any hardware requirements. See the next page for the technical information you or your IT will use to network the software once installed.