Porter Valley Trade-Up

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Manufacturer: 3D Inspection Systems
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Sales price without tax $599.00
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This special "trade-up" edition does not include forms, intended solely for inspectors to migrate existing custom data from InspectVue software. Includes everything needed to make a smooth transition from your old software to 3D’s efficient platform.
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This special "trade-up" edition does not include any inspection forms, as it is intended solely for inspectors who wish to migrate their existing customized data from an InspectVue reporting product. Includes everything you need to make a smooth transition from the older style pop-up windows type software to the fast and efficient single-screen 3D software platform. Your forms are completely editable once they are converted for 3D use. Includes a selection of summary letters, association standards and more.

This edition is upgradeable to other 3D software products, including the 3D Inspection System and 3D Inspection System Premier.

After installing, just click "Migrate InspectVue" on the Actions pane at the left side of the screen for simple instructions on how to convert your InspectVue forms into 3D Inspection Systems.  Questions about this product?  Contact sales at 800-745-6126.


Note: Proof of ownership of an InspectVue product may be required.


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How has COVID affected your inspection or marine survey business?

570009434 [{"id":"25","title":"Has remained slow the entire time","votes":"87","type":"x","order":"1","pct":14.24,"resources":[]},{"id":"26","title":"Started slow, but ramping up now","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"2","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"27","title":"Business remained steady","votes":"82","type":"x","order":"3","pct":13.42,"resources":[]},{"id":"28","title":"Busier than ever","votes":"162","type":"x","order":"4","pct":26.51,"resources":[]},{"id":"29","title":"Expanded or planning to expand my business\/inspectors","votes":"40","type":"x","order":"5","pct":6.55,"resources":[]},{"id":"30","title":"Reduced or planning to reduce my business\/inspectors","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"6","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"31","title":"I'm thinking about retiring","votes":"67","type":"x","order":"7","pct":10.97,"resources":[]},{"id":"32","title":"I've decided to become a new inspector or marine surveyor.","votes":"63","type":"x","order":"8","pct":10.31,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] sbar 200 200 /en/polls.html?id=7&task=poll.vote MSG_ERROR_NO_SELECTION Please select either existing option or enter your own, however not both. MSG_THANK_YOU_NO_RESULTS COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_LABEL_ANSWERS Votes ...