I bought a surface 3, 2 years ago and had an extra warranty. My screen cracked and I had it replaced with a new surface under warrantee. The replacement had a year warrantee. So the micro usb for charging got damaged, due to the crappy quality of the product. I inquired for a repair. I was told it was covered and to- mail it to texas for replacement. BS I got it back still broke and a sheet stating it was damaged unwarranted. Now I have A COMPUTER THAT CANNOT charge. After doing research I have found that they knew the micro usb was a flop but still insist it was ok. The connector is poorly fastened to a frame that cannot be repaired. So spend 4 bills or more for a surface and have it break only to spend less bills for a more quality computer. The download speed from my tablet for reports was very slow. The Surface may be a nice idea but it is too fragile to use anywhere but home with a dock. I think its time to move on to something more reliable. 
  • Re: Microsoft surfaces

    by » 6 years ago

    Ok so for anyone who has this same problem, I found a solution. After doing extensive research on the surface 3, I found that Microsoft makes a dock especially for the surface 3. This will alleviate the micro USB port completely. The dock also gives the user 4 Regular USB ports as well. ( the surface only had one). This appears to use the video port to charge the battery. The battery is charged in less time as well. So yes, there is a light at the end of tunnel, now if only the processing speed could be raised.  I wonder why Microsoft kept this dock a secret, instead telling its customers to purchase a new surface ? Oh wait I know.............

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