If you accidentally launch a focus edition before installing the separate content installer, it may open without actions or other data to work with (such as new forms, actions, and documents).  Here's how to add it later:

1. Make sure your 3D program is closed.

2. Download and run the form content program installer (Form content is a separate installer from the program, so if you have not downloaded it, check your delivery email for the link) Follow the wizard to complete the installation.

3. Next open your 3D software.

4. In Office Management click File > Install reseller content.

5. Select the forms.zip from the folder. If you did step 2 above then that file should be available there in the default place to select.

6. Afterward, close and reopen your 3D software to update the items in your system.  Any new differently named items would be added to your existing content.  Existing items already present would remain as they are.

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How has COVID affected your inspection or marine survey business?

1123466436 [{"id":"25","title":"Has remained slow the entire time","votes":"88","type":"x","order":"1","pct":14.33,"resources":[]},{"id":"26","title":"Started slow, but ramping up now","votes":"56","type":"x","order":"2","pct":9.12,"resources":[]},{"id":"27","title":"Business remained steady","votes":"82","type":"x","order":"3","pct":13.36,"resources":[]},{"id":"28","title":"Busier than ever","votes":"162","type":"x","order":"4","pct":26.38,"resources":[]},{"id":"29","title":"Expanded or planning to expand my business\/inspectors","votes":"40","type":"x","order":"5","pct":6.51,"resources":[]},{"id":"30","title":"Reduced or planning to reduce my business\/inspectors","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"6","pct":8.96,"resources":[]},{"id":"31","title":"I'm thinking about retiring","votes":"68","type":"x","order":"7","pct":11.07,"resources":[]},{"id":"32","title":"I've decided to become a new inspector or marine surveyor.","votes":"63","type":"x","order":"8","pct":10.26,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] sbar 200 200 /en/polls.html?id=7&task=poll.vote MSG_ERROR_NO_SELECTION Please select either existing option or enter your own, however not both. MSG_THANK_YOU_NO_RESULTS COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_LABEL_ANSWERS Votes ...