Subform help

Category: Custom Form Studio one year ago
I'm trying to create several subforms to reuse across a new form group for habitability inspections.  I plan on having a subform collection of narratives for specific notable conditions, and then separate subform of narratives to relate the conditions to specific violations for different municipalities/jurisdictions. Is there any way to include multiple subforms with narratives only, into a single subheading?  I keep getting compile time errors relating to missing subheadings.     Thanks, Evan
  • Re: Subform help

    by » one year ago

    A subform minimally would include a subheading (which might be unlabeled) and a block Narratives.

    For what you describe though instead of subforms, you may want to use narrative levels, perhaps even collapsing levels, along with placeholders and grouping items to build sentences.  Narrative 1 items are narratives that display initially for a subheading. To hide additional narratives (or narratives used for sentence building) until you select its parent narrative, you may set the sub items as Narrative level 2 and 3 items. You'll see the option to specify the location and level for a narrative when added from the report writer. However expanded options are available in Custom Form Studio, for instance while editing a form there you may change the level of a narrative (to make it into a sub level narrative) by selecting it there and using the toolbar options to increase or decrease the narrative level (arrow icons in the toolbar) for an existing item.

    You may also want to consider using placeholders and groupings to build sentences, which can work along with narrative levels. You'll likely find these tips articles helpful:
    There is also some detailed information about both features in the report writer Help topics as well.  Or support might be able to provide guidance for a specific example if you send them a ticket.

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