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A user reported that on his brand new Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, it was sometimes taking several minutes to download a report, and sometimes said "Error communicating with the server" during the process.  He was using his cable wireless broadband network at home with all other computers working fine.  He discovered there were apparently a number of mini apps in the bottom button on the galaxy tab that were causing a slowdown.  He says "As soon as I deleted the mini apps from that hidden task bar, the downloading of the 3d worked perfect.  There were 7 mini apps that came up when you touched the little "up" arrow at the base of the screen. They were; alarm, calculator, email, music player, S planner, task manager and world clock. Once I removed them, logging in, uploading and downloading was fast. The reason I tried this is my wife recently bought an ipad and it was also slow, so someone told her when you double press the main front button, all the recent apps are listed and stored. This slows the unit down. So when she deleted them, it worked fast. She heard my frustration with my Samsung and said "have you tried removing the hidden apps?". So I did. She is always right.....ALWAYS :) Paul"

Thanks Paul for sharing this information as it may be helpful to others who experience a similar issue.  We can only guess perhaps some were using the communication channels at the same time and perhaps slowing up the bandwidth, or otherwise impacting resources somehow.

Another user reported he was "Trying to upload reports from phone 3d to the cloud on wifi but getting a "error communicating with the server" after the report is about 15% uploaded.  I checked connections speed and the speed is good."

Finding out that the device was a Samsung Player 5.0, a search online revealed this thread indicating where others with that model had trouble and it may relate to the router and connection IP:

The user gave us this update "I found out that the new belkin router I had would keep disconnecting the android tablet.  Replaced with netgear and all is well."

If smaller files work and it's only failing on a larger report, that points to something timing out or terminating the connection or switching connections/disconnecting while working.

You might try another connection type, perhaps wifi in the office or elsewhere.   Or turning off all connection types except one, so that the devices doesn't try switching connections in the middle of a transfer (e.g. from 3G to 4G) if its in an area where on signal type is weak and fading in/out.

Sometimes device updates have fixed various connection issues.

Could also try completely powering off device, then back on, and then see if the file will transfer, in case something stuck in the device needs to be cleared out. Could also try turning on airplane mode to kill all signals, then turn airplane mode off again, and see if that helps it find a stable connection afterward.

Another thing to check is the internet connection speed you are using.  For instance, if using office WiFi, you might not be getting the full speed available to you depending on equipment or settings.  Do an internet speed test on a main comput erand see if you are getting appropriate speed for the service you have there.   If not, it could be older equipment in the middle is bottlenecking and it might be worth updating that equipment.  For instance an old router or access point in your office might not be piping in the full speed of your internet service if it's one of the older ones, or the cabling between.  Newer equipment these days supports greatly improved speeds that didn't exist previously.  With a slower speed things might take longer, which in turn might even contribute to another issue that only manifests when the transfer is larger or takes longer due to the slower speed.  If you are getting good speed on your main equipment, an older router or access point could still be slower if using older wifi technology, even though the main pipe coming in is fast.  Just a thought.

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