I created a new job and sent to mobile using an incorrect address that was given to me by a realtor. Upon arrival, we discovered the mistake and once I was home, I corrected it in office management and saved it but when I printed the report the incorrect address was on the report. Is there a way to correct this or do I have to re-write the report? Problem with re-writing the report is any pictures that I took from my phone directly into the 3D app would be lost...I think. Has anyone had this happen and have a fix?
  • Re: How do I correct an address once a report is complete.

    by » 8 years ago

    Once you correct the address, simply reopen the report from Office Management to pass the updated into to the report for merging into header/footer, index, etc. and it will be corrected there automatically when you preview.

    If you included part of the address in your job name (which isn't necessary, since search and merging work with the normal address separately) and changed that also, this topic has more information and steps: https://3dinspection.com/forums-discussion/10049-office-management/450-correcting-a-job-name-after-creating-an-inspection

  • Re: How do I correct an address once a report is complete.

    by » 8 years ago

    Hello Donna, I already changed the address in office management like you suggested but it does not fix my problem. 1st, my "open existing inspection" option does not show up in office management on the specific inspection only and I have to pull up the report directly from the file tab in report writer. 2nd, I have went in and manually changed the address everywhere that I could find but the incorrect address still shows up at the top of each page.

  • Re: How do I correct an address once a report is complete.

    by » 8 years ago

    It sounds like you may have also changed the job name, which broke the connection to the report.  If so, see the link in the forum that discussed the proper way to change a job name.  You may want to name it back, or if you can open the report, use Save as to save it to the new name, and then follow the other steps. Or contact tech support for more assistance.

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