If a repeat inspection is done on a property fairly close to its last inspection, you may want to re-use your prior report and attach it to your new job.

First add your new job for your new client.  Note name of Job name used in Office Management.  Now locate and open old report previously done, and Open Inspection to launch the report.  In report writer use File > Save As to save a copy to your new job name.  Now you have two copies, each which may be attached to their own jobs.  File > Close the report.  Locate the new job again in Office Management, and select it and Open Inspection for it.  Now modify new report copy as needed for your new client.  Note that items previously merged into the body of the report or documents will need to be re-merged.  For narratives, remove the prior info, then reselect the narrative that merges the information.  For documents, you may wish to remove and re-attach items like summaries and others to freshly merge them.  Other items that merge at print time, such as the report header and footer should automatically pull in the current job linked info.


  • Re: Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection

    by » 6 years ago

    On a similar note, when re-visiting the site months or years later, a reminder appears on the Office Mgmt page for the order that this was already inspected previously. Making a slight change to the address does make it ignore the older order. Is there any way to have the program ignore the previous order without having to do this?

  • Re: Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection

    by » 6 years ago

    When one enters a previously used street address in the Site Address field that exactly matches another, the tiny "This address has been used on other job(s)." notice that appears below the address is just that- a "notice" which subsequently may be ignored. It doesn't DO anything other than alert you, and takes up minuscule space, and disappears later anyway when the job is saved. One may of course later choose to look up the address using search to compare prior the info or report, but certainly doesn't have to. While entering your new job, just continue to the next field to enter the rest of the address info and ignore the notice. It is handy though to be alerted that an address has been inspected before, so I certainly wouldn't change the site address, as that doesn't make sense nor should there be any need to do so.

    Of course it would not make sense to use a site address as an actual job name either, if that's what you're asking, since that has to be unique and one indeed might have repeat inspections for the same site over time, not to mention it's just wasteful double-entry. After all job search automatically checks the address and client name regardless of what arbitrary or automatic job name might be used.

  • Re: Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection

    by » 3 years ago

    I have tried to understand the multiple units, re-inspection process using the invoice items and I'm still struggling to understand.  If I create additional $0.00 items; I can attach them to the new job, but I can't see how to access the original report items within the NEW report to follow-up without doing it all again.  Also, a new report would be available to use the mobile 3D, but is there a way to go back/forth? This is the tips & tricks resource that I tried to use:  CREATE AND MERGE MULTIPLE REPORTS FROM THE SAME JOB and this one, but it isn't really the same since if we're doing a phase inspection - we want to have the previous information within the same report.  EASILY RE-INSPECT BASED ON SUMMARY Using the info in the post above (Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection), I can do that, but it doesn't really help me understand the invoice item piece and it also doesn't let me send the document back to the mobile 3d to follow-up.  Still trying to figure it out.

  • Re: Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection

    by » 3 years ago

    Never mind on the using invoice items to create the multiple units, etc.  I finally figured it out.  I would like to know how to see/update the "same" document to add/edit on follow-up inspections.  I have been looking at the merge feature to see if that works. 

  • Re: Re-use prior report for repeat property inspection

    by » 3 years ago

    You could perhaps use save as to save an original report to the job name + invoice item name to create a duplicate under a separate name IF you want all the original info in there to add to (no need to merge that way).  Each subsequent report could continue to grow or add info in that manner in the desktop program.  But that doesn't necessarily work for new mobile collection.

    Or if the master forms contained all the sections/units needed and you are only doing each unit one at a time and adding as you go, a new fresh mobile report could be created using the same form group, and the inspector only fills out the specific form section for his particular "unit" (don't use the same section already used, but separate unit sections).  Which could be merged into the first report again later.  Rinse and repeat for future phases if the main report is simply going to continue to build data.  I suggest making a quick backup copy of the master report prior to merging each time though as a precaution in case an incorrect file or other item is chosen by mistake.  Or the first report could be merged into the second, etc.

    Or perhaps separate reports would be best for multiple or separate units.  Those separate reports could be exported and then combined with a final PDF at the very end, or delivered as separate PDFs.

    If it's not separate units, but phases of the same units, then of course the inspector could use the same sections of the form group to add comments and those could be merged into the original report (or vice versa) to include both sets of observations for the same area/files.

    If the main issue is simply that the inspector just needs info to refer to when he "reinspects" the same areas/units again, perhaps just having a PDF to refer to of the original report on his device would be useful.

    Tech support might be able to offer more specific advice if the actual full scenario was laid out and send to them in a ticket, but perhaps the above thoughts will give you some broad ideas.  Or if the issue is really how to do team inspections to split of a work load, they can supply instructions for that and how to assign reports to multiple inspectors for mobile that get merged together later to combine all the findings.  But that's not typically a phase type inspection.

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