So we had all kinds of trouble moving 3D database to a new computer. Couldn't backup on the old computer, couldn't restore on the new computer. Won't go into the details, except to say 3D couldn't help us because the problems were related to SQL services and databases, and not related to 3D.As of tonight, all problems are resolved, thanks to a 3rd party expert in SQL databases. If you ever know someone, or are someone, whose problems are SQL related and beyond the scope of 3D, I suggest you refer them to: fixed everything in under an hour, for a very low price.3D is fully functional on the new computer with all data from the old computer.So grateful to Steve Stedman!
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How has COVID affected your inspection or marine survey business?

1700429878 [{"id":"25","title":"Has remained slow the entire time","votes":"87","type":"x","order":"1","pct":14.24,"resources":[]},{"id":"26","title":"Started slow, but ramping up now","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"2","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"27","title":"Business remained steady","votes":"82","type":"x","order":"3","pct":13.42,"resources":[]},{"id":"28","title":"Busier than ever","votes":"162","type":"x","order":"4","pct":26.51,"resources":[]},{"id":"29","title":"Expanded or planning to expand my business\/inspectors","votes":"40","type":"x","order":"5","pct":6.55,"resources":[]},{"id":"30","title":"Reduced or planning to reduce my business\/inspectors","votes":"55","type":"x","order":"6","pct":9,"resources":[]},{"id":"31","title":"I'm thinking about retiring","votes":"67","type":"x","order":"7","pct":10.97,"resources":[]},{"id":"32","title":"I've decided to become a new inspector or marine surveyor.","votes":"63","type":"x","order":"8","pct":10.31,"resources":[]}] ["#ff5b00","#4ac0f2","#b80028","#eef66c","#60bb22","#b96a9a","#62c2cc"] sbar 200 200 /en/polls.html?id=7& MSG_ERROR_NO_SELECTION Please select either existing option or enter your own, however not both. MSG_THANK_YOU_NO_RESULTS COM_COMMUNITYPOLLS_LABEL_ANSWERS Votes ...